The American Dental Association (ADA) has worked hard to educate the public about the dangers of tobacco-related disease due to tobacco use and encouraged dentists to help their patients break the cycle of addiction. As new scientific information is discovered, the ADA has continued to strengthen and update its tobacco policies.

FAQ: Tobacco Products

How can smoking affect my oral health? Are cigars safer than cigarettes? What about the safety of smokeless tobacco products? Here is some rather shocking news from the ADA.

Smoking and Implants

Studies have shown there is a direct link between oral tissue, bone loss, and smoking.

Smokers will suffer more tooth loss and edentulism than non-smokers. If you smoke, you are more likely to develop severe periodontal disease.

Inflamed and deep mucosal pockets of the peri-implant mucosa surrounding dental implants is called peri-implantitis. Smokers who have dental implants are at greater risk of developing peri-implantitis. This infection can lead to increased resorption of the peri-implant bone. If it is not treated, peri-implantitis will eventually lead to implant failure. Smokers demonstrated a much higher score in bleeding index, according to a recent international study. This was particularly true when they had a greater peri-implant pocket depth and radiographically discernible bone resorption around the implant and focused in the maxilla.

Countless studies indicate that smoking can lead to higher rates of dental implant failure. To ensure successful implant acceptance, smoking cessation results in improved periodontal health and leads to a more successful outcome.


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