Brushing will remove the harmful plaque from your teeth and gums. Frequently removing food particles from your teeth and gums prevents bacteria in the food you eat from turning into harmful, cavity causing acids.

Brushing three times a day is the minimum. If you use fluoride toothpaste in the morning and at night, you don’t have to use toothpaste during the middle of the day. Perform a simple brushing with plain water or rinse your mouth with water for 30 seconds after lunch. That should do the job.

Brushing Techniques

Everyone's teeth are different, so you should talk to your dentist before choosing a brushing technique. Here ‘s a list of popular techniques:

  • Use a circular motion and brush two or three teeth at a time, you’ll eventually cover the entire mouth.

  • Be sure to place your toothbrush next to your teeth at a 45-degree angle. Then gently brush in a circular motion, not up and down. Brushing up and down wears your tooth structure. It can also lead to receding gums, or exposing the root of your tooth. Brush all surfaces of your teeth - front, back, top, and between other teeth. Rock the brush back and forth gently to remove any plaque growing under the gum.

  • There are other surfaces in your mouth that are covered in bacteria. These include the gums, the roof and floor of your mouth, but most importantly, is your tongue. Brushing your tongue not only removes trapped bacteria and other disease-causing germs, but it also freshens your breath.

  • Remember to replace your brush when the bristles begin to spread because a worn toothbrush will not properly clean your teeth.

  • Generally speaking, It takes about three minutes to brush effectively. Unfortunately, studies demonstrate most people rush during tooth brushing.


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Chattanooga, TN 37408


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