There are many diabetics that have oral problems but unfortunately many of those issues go undiagnosed until they become advanced. Because these individuals are living with the disease their bodies are extremely vulnerable. This vulnerability can result in a number of systemic problems. It’s because of this fact, the mouth and teeth are not immune from these systemic difficulties.

Other common afflictions among diabetics could be receding gums and gum disease, or possibly periodontal disease. There are cases where diabetics often have problems with diminished saliva production. This can hamper the needed cleansing of cavity-causing debris and bacteria from the mouth. Blood sugar levels also determine other possible problems. Because these levels are out of balance, diabetics could experience cavities and or gum disease.

If you practice regular brushing, flossing and rinsing, and follow the proper diabetic diet, this extra care will work to prevent needless problems in the future.


Request an appointment and one of our staff will call you to help you schedule your appointment.

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1700 Broad Street, Suite 130
Chattanooga, TN 37408


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