Teeth Grinding

If you grind your teeth, it’s possible you could develop problems with your jaw. If it’s not treated, this could affect your teeth, gums and the mouth’s bone structure. There is a joint called the temporomandibular. It connects your lower jaw to your skull. This joint performs a vital function because it’s responsible for opening and closing your upper and lower jaw. If you have problems with this joint it could affect your chewing and your speaking.

Jaw Clicking or Popping

If you experience a clicking or popping sound when opening or closing your mouth, you could have a temporomandibular joint disorder or (TMD).  A disorder of this kind can result in painful headaches and neck aches, as well as tooth sensitivity.

There are remedies for this problem, such as muscle relaxants, aspirin, biofeedback, or wearing a small plastic appliance in the mouth while you sleep.

Minor cases of TMD lead to discomfort in the jaw muscles. In more serious cases, there is the possibility of a dislocated jaw. The most extreme cases could result in an arthritic condition of your jaw joint.


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1700 Broad Street, Suite 130
Chattanooga, TN 37408


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